
12th March 2025

Westgate Primary School – Play Equipment for EYFS/KS1 Children

Back in October, Westgate Primary School installed some large climbing equipment. From the description, it sounded as though it would have been possible for all

17th February 2025

You Can Flourish – Mentoring & Support Services

You Can Flourish are extremely grateful for the King Henry VIII Endowed Trust’s grant of £15,000 in 2024, which helped 51 girls from Warwick to

10th February 2025

Coten End Primary School – ICT Equipment (Floor Robots)

The Trust has further enriched the Computing curriculum at Coten End, with a a grant of £3,286 towards a technology based project. Reception have been

31st January 2025

SOUL (Singing, Outreach, Unity & Love) – Tiny Sing at Heathcote Community Centre

Soul thanked The King Henry VIII Trust for their recent very kind grant of £1,000 towards their Warwick TINY Sing. They are extremely grateful for

25th January 2025

Coten End Primary School – “Opal Programme” – Outdoor Storage

The  Trust has supported Coten End  in implementing the Outdoor Play and Learning Programme. OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) is a structured program designed to

12th January 2025

Aylesford Primary School – Mathematics Equipment

A grant of £4,445 has enhanced Aylesford Primary’s Mathematics curriculum by enabling the purchase of essential resources that foster a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. With

6th January 2025

All Saints School trim trail

The staff, pupils and parents would like to thank King Henry VIII Endowed Trust for their generous grant of £3,300 which funded the repairs and

15th August 2024

Guy’s Cliffe

The Grade II listed Guy’s Cliffe is a site with considerable historical and scientific importance, which includes Guy’s Cliffe House, Guy’s Cave, St. Mary Magdalen

24th July 2024

Evergreen School – Sensory swing

Evergreen were thrilled with the donation of £5,000 towards their new sensory nest swing. This addition has made a significant positive impact on their students, many

18th July 2024

Westgate Primary – iPads

32 new iPads have been purchased to replace an aging set of iPads. A grant of £4,653 match-funded with Westgate Primary School.

24th June 2024

Warwick Pursuits Festival

22nd and 23rd June say the inaugural Warwick Pursuits Festival in St Nicholas Park. Organised by Kate Livingstone, who also organises Leamington’s ‘Art in The

8th June 2024

Bee Friendly Warwick

Bee Friendly Warwick is a local community group with the aim ‘To increase food/water and shelter for ‘wild’ bees and pollinators in general and remove

18th March 2024

Coten End Primary – Playground & Outside learning

The Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS) outdoor classroom is a very important part of the children’s day.  It has a wide range of activities

1st March 2024

Castel Froma extension project

Castel Froma Neuro Care has embarked on a major extension of Helen Ley House to build 8 ensuite rooms. These will help to improve the

1st December 2023

MacGregor Children’s Ward, Warwick Hospital

King Henry’s gave a grant of £45,000 towards SWFT Charity’s £190,000 Young Minds Matters appeal that has has resulted in the new specialist spaces being

15th November 2023

Newburgh Primary – Playground markings

The improvement of playground markings will boost activity levels, reinforce learning goals and encourage more positive social interactions between pupils, while remaining inclusive and motivational

27th July 2023

St Mary Immaculate Primary – Playground

The playground surface and outdoor equipment/furniture had significantly degraded over the years to the point where surfaces and equipment had been condemned for health and

21st July 2023

Coten End Primary – Sensory garden

A sensory garden has been developed to create a peaceful space for all the children.  The existing beds have been modified and planted to have

3rd July 2023

Coten End Pre-School kitchen

A grant of £2,242 was given to the pre-school towards installing a working kitchen so that all children were able to receive a hot nutritional

4th June 2023

The Emscote School – Sensory room

The development of a Special Needs room, including sensory toys, furniture, large bean bags and visual displays have been installed. Also the provision of sports

26th May 2023

All Saint Juniors – Outside classroom and wild flow meadow

The School has renovated their playing field and facilities.  The area has been landscaped, then was planted with a wide range of seeds and wild

7th May 2023

Westgate Primary – forest area renewal

A grant of £4,446 was awarded to the school and was spent on camouflage netting to screen the area from the road, turfing the lower

12th April 2023

Myton School – Gym equipment

King Henry’s gave a grant of £2,500 towards replacing of old equipment and the provision of additional equipment to be used by all students, including

12th November 2022

Evergreen & Woodloes Primary

The two schools had worked together to develop an outdoor learning experience by creating a community eco learning area that will include a range of

7th October 2022

Newburgh Primary – Library Furniture

Modern and flexible storage solutions and additional books have been purchased for the school library.  This will enable them to improve access, maximise on storage

25th September 2022

Evergreen School – Soft play room

An old music room at the Brittain Lane site was converted into an accessible, fit for purpose soft playroom.  This room will enable all students

13th September 2022

Aylesford – Learning Hub conversion

An unused meeting space/corridor was converted into a bespoke learning hub to initially support their Post 16 and ultimately Year 11/pupil premium student research. A

11th August 2022

Newburgh Primary – Courtyard Project

The development of the courtyard has become an environmental haven where the children can learn about sustainable growing.  A greenhouse and planters suitable for group

12th February 2022

Emscote Infants – Outdoor play provision

Outdoor play supports children’s problem-solving skills and nurtures their creativity, as well as providing rich opportunities for their developing imagination, inventiveness and resourcefulness.  Children need

25th January 2022

All Saints Junior School – renewal of long jump area

Following Covid lockdowns, sport and fitness is a key priority for all schools.  A modern, safe, all-weather long jump area will give the children an

1st December 2021

Neil Thurley retires as Trustee

Neil was the Trust’s longest serving trustee. In the 46 years since becoming a Trustee in 1975 he has seen the Trust transform from a

11th November 2021

Message Bus arrives in Warwick

Using some of the funds provided to Warwick’s Anglican Churches from the Trust, their Transforming Communities Together Warwick project has just taken deliver of a

1st October 2021

Warwick Gates Community Centre

Warwick Gates Community Centre, which is also home to Heathcote Parish Church, has just embarked on construction work to extend and reconfigure the centre in

22nd September 2021

Park at Myton Green now completed

The Trust is the largest member of the Europa Way Consortium,  which has been bringing forward 96 acres of land for residential development at Myton

18th September 2021

2nd Warwick Sea Scout’s new HQ opening

The opening of the Sea Scout’s magnificent new HQ benefited from glorious weather and was supported by a large turnout. Following a leaving ceremony at

8th March 2021

Emscote & All Saints Tree Planting

Jon Queralt, associate head of Emscote Infants, has been spearheading a tree planting project with the Infants and All Saints Juniors, All Saints church and

22nd February 2021

Racing Club Warwick – new all-weather pitch

Albeit behind closed doors, there is much excitement for Racing Club Warwick players, members and fans with the completion of a new 3G artificial playing

13th October 2020

Dogs for Good – Aftercare support

Dogs for Good was established in 1988 and is a national charity which trains assistance therapy and pet dogs to make life-changing differences for disabled

15th September 2020

Quaker Friends Meeting House – Garden Refurbishment

There has been a plot of land with the Meeting House at 39 High Street since the earliest days of Quakerism.  Originally a burial ground

14th September 2020

Europa Way nearing completion

The Trust is the largest member of the Europa Way Consortium,  which has been bringing forward 96 acres of land for residential development just off

10th July 2020

WCS Care, Woodside Care Village

Woodside Care Village in Warwick is a care home that’s designed as a village to give its residents the opportunity to contribute to their community

10th May 2020

Enhanced Care at Home Scheme supported by Warwick Charities

The King Henry VIII Endowed Trust, Warwick Relief in Need Charity, Warwick United Charities and Warwick Provident Dispensary Charity alongside the main contributor – the

15th April 2020

Citizens Advice South Warwickshire – Reach Out At Home Service

The Reach Out At Home Service (ROAH) supports people in crisis situations and provides holistic advice on a variety of issues – a very valuable

25th March 2020

Springfield Mind supported by Warwick Charities

The Springfield Mind project has been awarded funding of £70,000 a year for three years to provide 2 part time psychiatric health workers based at

10th December 2019

Michael Peachey becomes Chairman

Following his term as Chairman, Rupert Griffiths has stepped down and Michael Peachey (on a visit to Europa Way development in the photograph below) has

3rd October 2019

Aylesford Primary School’s new IT Suite

The new IT suite was officially opened on Monday, 30th September.  The school raised more than £15,000 via fundraising through the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

13th December 2018

2nd Warwick Sea Scout’s Jetty Opening Ceremony

The replacement and extended jetties/boatyard were formally opened by HRH the Duke of Kent on Thursday, 13th December 2018.   A ‘Funder’s Wall’ for all

20th August 2018

Local Primary School pupils attend Summer Activities

The Trust regularly supports 25-30 pupils from Warwick primary schools to take part in the Summer Action Scheme run at Warwick School. They are able to

10th July 2018

Emscote Infant School’s new Outdoor Classroom

A tea party to celebrate their new outdoor space was held on 2nd July 2018.   This outside classroom and quiet zone will be accessed

28th June 2018

Warwick Hospital, New Birthing Centre

The South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust has recently developed a brand new midwife led birthing centre at Warwick Hospital and is due to open to

26th June 2018

Prison! Me! No Way!

The whole day at Aylesford School was a great success with students still talking about the experiences they had during the event.   It has

25th June 2018

Rupert Griffiths takes on chairmanship

Following his term as Chairman, John Edwards has stepped down and Rupert Griffiths (on the right in the photograph) has taken on the role. Rupert

16th May 2018

“Who Cares We Care” Programme

The Who Cares We Care 7 week programme was a series of health slots to support parents and carers caring for a child or young

7th February 2018

Play trail at Aylesford Primary School

The new play trail was officially opened on Tuesday, 6th February with a special assembly that included sponsors from local charities and businesses. Pupils read

15th September 2017

Tennis bursaries at Warwick Tennis Club

The King Henry VIII Endowed Trust, Warwick awarded a grant of £4,210 to enable Warwick Tennis Club to allow bursaries to continue to be given

14th August 2017

Kids Summer Club by New Life Church

The Summer Camp took place at Alfrey Activity Centre, Meriden. It was attended by 43 young people aged 4 – 15 years and a volunteer

5th August 2017

Time Travellers Summer Holiday Club by Heritage and Culture Warwickshire

A grant of £3,106 was awarded to enable Heritage and Culture Warwickshire (HCW) to successfully run a week-long summer holiday activity programme called ‘Time Travellers’

24th April 2017

‘In the Ballroom’ Social Group

In the Ballroom is a monthly social gathering with tea, cakes and talks organised by Warwick Town Council and Unlocking Warwick, supported by Big Lottery

1st February 2017

All Saints’ CE Junior School, Garden of Reflection

As part of the school’s work on Christian Distinctiveness, each classroom developed an ‘Area of Reflection’ – this interactive space reflects their half termly Christian

23rd September 2016

Guy’s Cliffe Walled Garden, New Pathways Open Day

New pathways in a historical garden in Warwick were officially opened by John Edwards, Chairman of The King Henry VIII Endowed Trust. The Guy’s Cliffe

10th October 2015

Warwick Nursery School, Redevelopment of Outside Play Area for Nurture Nursery

Works were completed by September 2016 and the children and their families had a lovely surprise on their return from the summer holiday. The first

11th July 2012

“What we learn from Charlie” Workshop, Supporting Siblings of children with disabilities/additional needs

This was the first time that Entrust Care Partnership had organised a Sibling Support Group. The group was run from Ridgeway Special Needs School. They,

12th November 0202

Aylesford Primary School – Mathematics Equipment

A grant of £4,445 has enhanced Aylesford Primary’s Mathematics curriculum by enabling the purchase of essential resources that foster a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.