Our Team

Trustees are ultimately responsible for the decisions and management of the Trust, but they are supported by a part time management team and also use the services of professional advisors as and when appropriate.


Viv Bosworth, Chair

Viv trained with McKinsey & Co. before moving into Sales & Marketing with Virgin Group and Tesco. She has lived in Warwick since 2013 with her husband and three children. As Chair of 2nd Warwick Sea Scouts she has helped lead them through their major new HQ development.

Viv is a co-opted trustee and is on the Grants Committee.

Marie-Bernadette Ashe, Deputy Chair

Marie-Bernadette is Group Finance Director for a national company based in Coventry. She lives in Warwick with her husband and three sons. Marie-Bernadette is nominated by Warwick Independent Schools Foundation, where she is a Governor.

Marie-Bernadette is on the Finance & Investment and EWC committees.

John Edwards

John was Finance Director of Jaguar, a number of FTSE 100 companies and finally Director General, Finance at the Government’s Department for Business. He has lived in Warwick since 1971. John is a co-opted trustee. 

John is on the Finance & Investment and the EWC committees.

Kate Parr

Kate enjoyed a long career in HR for a large corporate law firm. She sits as a Chair on the bench at Birmingham Magistrate Court. Kate was previously a Governor of Warwick Independent Schools Foundation.

Kate is a co-opted trustee and is on the Grants committee.

Steve Copley

Steve is an active member of All Saints, Ladbroke and is also the Chairman of the Audit Committee for the Coventry Diocesan Board of Finance. Before retiring he held a number of Finance Director and Chief Executive roles. Steve is nominated by the Archdeacon of Warwick. 

Steve chairs the Finance & Investment committee.

Ian Furlong

Ian recently retired as the Senior Leader at Saltisford Church and prior to that he was the Pastor at Castle Hill Baptist Church. He has lived in/near Warwick for over 30 years.

Ian is a co-opted trustee and chairs the Grants Committee.

Sue Grinnell

Sue was the Business Manager at Aylesford School and before that was a science teacher. She has lived in Warwick for over 30 years and is a co-opted Trustee.

Sue is on the Grants Committee.

Simon Pargeter

Simon is Town Councillor for Saltisford Ward, and is the Council’s nominated trustee to the Trust.

He has lived in Warwick all his life and is Chair of the Packmores Residents Association.

Simon is on the Grants Committee.

Bernardine Adkins

Bernardine is Head of EU, Trade & Competition Law for international law firm, Gowling WLG. She lives in Warwick

Bernardine is a co-opted trustee and is on the Finance & Investment committee

Mark Lee

Mark was CFO then Chief Executive of a large property company before retiring. Since then, he has become actively involved in a number of roles, including as a governor of King Edward VI Schools in Birmingham, Independent Chair of the Leamington Transformation Board and Chair of the property investment Committee of the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers.

Mark lives in Warwick and is on the Finance & Investment Committee.

Rev. Angus Aagaard

Angus was a social worker before becoming ordained. He was previously the Team Rector for North Lambeth, London before recently taking on the role as Vicar of St Mary’s and Team Rector for Warwick. He is also a Padre with the Military Intelligence Battalion in the British Army.

Angus is on the Grants Committee.

Management Team

The day to day management of the Trust is handled by 3 part timers. They operate from offices above Margetts Estate Agents at 12 High Street.

Jonathan Wassall, Clerk & Receiver

Jonathan is a former Chartered Accountant and Finance Director.

He is also the Clerk to the Lord Leycester Hospital and is an active member of the Rotary Club of Warwick and Warwick Court Leet.

Belinda Shuttleworth, Deputy Clerk

Belinda has supported various Clerks since 1985

Jackie Newton, Accountant

Jackie is a self-employed accountant and has done the accounts for the Trust since 2001.

Professional Advisors

The trustees use a number of specialist advisors. Currently these include:

Legal: Lodders, Eversheds, Shakespeare Martineau
Planning: Stantec
Accounting and Tax: Forvis Mazars
Commercial Property: Cushman & Wakefield
Agricultural and Land: Margetts, Savills
Investments: Asset Risk Consultants, Meridiem, CCLA, Savills Charities Property Fund
Land Development: Catesby Estates