Message Bus arrives in Warwick

Using some of the funds provided to Warwick’s Anglican Churches from the Trust, their Transforming Communities Together Warwick project has just taken deliver of a Message Bus.

The Message Bus is a state-of-the-art mobile youth centre, which will be run in partnership with churches to help take the message of God to a wider community whilst also helping to provide a service to the young people of Warwick

The bus will be a safe place place for young people to go, as well as somewhere packed full of stuff to do with their mates. Each bus is different but they’ll find things like games consoles, gaming PCs and much more. It also has a food preparation and serving area, which is seen below with Rev David Brown, Vicar of St Michael’s, Budbrooke


Keep an eye out for the bus operating in your area. To find our more head to the Transforming Communities Together Warwick by clicking here.